Advent Devotionals // WEEK 4

19 // DECEMBER 2021

God refused David’s offer to build God a house (temple). But God promised David that he would build David a house (dynasty) that would last forever. The Jews awaited a king from David’s line—the Messiah—who would rescue them from their enemies. With this Davidic king on the throne, the world would be a safe place filled with God’s presence, justice, and goodness. The baby born in Bethlehem’s manger is that son of David, the long-awaited Messiah. Offer a prayer of thanks for this King.

20 // DECEMBER 2021

Who exactly would the Messiah be? Yes, a descendant of David, but Isaiah tells us more. The names Isaiah gives indicate the Messiahis not only King, but God. In calling him “Wonderful Counselor,” Isaiah says the Messiah possesses the divine quality of wonder and the royal quality of a wise counselor. In times of difficulty do you seek wisdom from the Wonderful Counselor?

21 // DECEMBER 2021

In the ancient world, people expected their rulers to be mighty. The second name Isaiah gives the Messiah affirms his might, but so much more. The Messiah is not merely mighty, but divine too—he is “Mighty God.” What is your reaction to Jesus being the Mighty God?

22 // DECEMBER 2021

A third title Isaiah attributes to the promised Messiah is “Everlasting Father.” Another desired quality of a king for ancient people was that he would be like a father. Kings were to protect and to provide. Isaiah gives the Messiah the royal title of Father but adds that he will be “Everlasting.” This king would be the eternal God. In what ways has King Jesus protected and provided for you?

23 // DECEMBER 2021

saiah calls the Messiah one final name—“Prince of Peace.” “Prince” is obviously a royal title signifying a right to the throne. But the Messiah not only has a right to reign, he is “Prince of Peace.” Peace, as a quality, originates only in God. Once more, the Messiah is not only King, but the God-King. In what ways does our world and your life need the Prince of Peace?

24 // DECEMBER 2021

Jesus is the fulfillment of Israel’s story. All that God chose the nation of Israel for has reached its end in Jesus. All that was foretold about Jesus—he would be Immanuel, Deliverer, anointed descendant of David (Messiah), Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace—came true with the birth of a baby born in the village of Bethlehem. Israel’s hope, born that day, is also ours.

25 // DECEMBER 2021

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we must remember there is more to the story. We now wait for the promised Messiah to return. Do we believe that he will? We should.The God who kept his promises regarding the first coming of the Messiah, promises that he will return. He will establish a new creation where God’s intimate presence will come down and live with his people forever. Because God kept his promise before, we can trust he will do so again. Come Lord Jesus!