

Sunday September 12th

Though we are currently unable to gather in person, we still want to support your family in any way that we can – check it out!

September 11th, 2021|Kids Blog|

The Plan // Andy & Katie // Stewardship

Plans are a good thing. They help us move towards and accomplish what we set our hearts on. God doesn't expect us to wake up one day and change everything. The ability to give up our time or our resources comes from a place where we long to have a genuine faith relationship with God. And in that longing, He meets us where we are at.

Shouldn’t Something Be Different // Jethro’s Story

If the church doors were open, Jethro was there. He knew the gospel in and out, how sinful he was, what Jesus did on the cross, all of it. There was only one problem… He knew in his heart that he wasn’t saved. If he really was a Christian, wouldn’t he act like it more? Wouldn’t he want to be around other Christians? Live a better life? Shouldn’t something be different?

Sunday September 5th

Though we are currently unable to gather in person, we still want to support your family in any way that we can – check it out!

September 4th, 2021|Kids Blog|

Sunday August 29th

Though we are currently unable to gather in person, we still want to support your family in any way that we can – check it out!

August 28th, 2021|Kids Blog|

Sunday August 22nd

Though we are currently unable to gather in person, we still want to support your family in any way that we can – check it out!

August 21st, 2021|Kids Blog|
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