Fall 2020 // John 21
Posted November 21, 2020 — Lincoln Berean
Follow Me // John 21
Although the fall Life Group session ended last week, our question writing team really wanted to finish this last chapter of John. That’s because all stories need a fitting conclusion to bring closure and clarity, and John’s last chapter does more than just wrap up loose ends. John 21 continues to bring us the hope we have in Jesus.
Study Questions (Suggested time: 40 min)
1) In verses 1-5, the disciples fish all night, some of them are professional fishermen yet they are unable to catch a single fish.
- How defeated do you think Peter felt?
- Have you experienced those periods in your life?
2) The scene we see in v 6-7 is very similar to the one we see earlier in the gospel story, but there are some striking differences.
Read Luke 5:4-10
- In what ways are Peter’s reactions different?
- What has Peter seen Jesus do or heard Him say that might explain this different reaction?
3) In verses 15-19, Jesus calls Peter to be a Shepherd, and He tells Peter it’s a calling that will eventually lead to his death. Peter’s ability to live on mission seems to be rooted in Jesus’s simple question, “Do you love me?”
Read Luke 7:41-48
- Peter had denied Jesus, and yet here Jesus is. What do you think Jesus was trying to teach Peter by asking him the same question three times?
- Is failure final? Why or why not?
- Sometimes, it can be easy to beat ourselves up for past mistakes. How does loving Jesus and trusting his forgiveness help you put past mistakes into perspective?
4) In verses 18-24, Jesus tells Peter the type of death he would receive. Immediately, he turns to John and asks Jesus, “What about him?”
- It’s hard not to compare ourselves to others. In what areas do you often find yourself comparing (finances, skills, appearance, opportunity, etc.)?
- Is Jesus being unfair if our story is different from someone else’s story?
- In John 14:15 Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Now in Chapter 21 Jesus implores, “Follow me!” Are you ready to respond to that calling?
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