Online Connect Group // Renewed // Week 6
Posted July 25, 2020 — Lincoln Berean
July 26, 2020 // Become More Like Him: Part 2 // Luke 6:39-49
Welcome to another week of RENEWED, a series outlining our vision to come together to know Jesus, become more like Him and help others do the same.
On Sunday, Josh helped us understand what becoming like Jesus really looks like through looking at Jesus. We become more like Him when we truly delight in Him.
We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest having a journal handy to write down your thoughts. You’re not expected to have time for all these questions during your online meeting, but we encourage you to reflect on them and jot down thoughts on your own.
Getting to Know Each Other (Suggested time: 30 min)
Begin your group time by learning more about each other. Open up and have some fun!
- What’s an important skill you think every person should master?
- If you could live in any sitcom, which one would it be and why?
- Share an experience from the past week that showed God’s creative work in your life.
Getting Started
Begin to transition into group discussion.
1) Hosts can pray to open the group or ask someone else to lead out. Here are a few potential prayer items:
a. For the Spirit of God to lead you in truth
b. For openness to what you’re learning together
c. For friendships to deepen and grow
2) Invite someone to read Luke 6:39-49 to the group.
Study Questions (Suggested time: 40 min)
Please complete these questions prior to your group’s meeting time.
1) What idea or example has stuck with you since hearing the sermon this week?
2) Read Luke 6:27-38 and notice that Jesus lays out high expectations for His followers.
a. How might you teach a child the way Jesus expects us to treat others?
b. Based on what you know about how Jesus expressed His love for you, do you think His expectations are fair or unreasonable? Please explain.
c. (bonus points: read Matthew 26 –27 and notice how Jesus treated others when He was crucified)
3) In Luke 6:39-45, Jesus uses exaggerated parables to make an important point about how your inner life influences your outward responses. Josh called this the principle of “root and fruit”.
a. When have you noticed your heart aligning with God to the extent that He produced good fruit through you?
b. If you’re willing, share a time in your life when you learned the hard way that being rooted to sin had dire consequences.
4) Jesus closes out the chapter with an ominous parable about the impact of building a life of faith in action. What is the foundational work each of us is asked to do? (vs 47)
a. Take a few minutes to think through your activities this past week. How much time have you spent digging deep and laying a foundation that will withstand a storm?
5) What are one or two steps you can take this week to become more like Jesus, both in hearing His words and acting on them?
a. Make time this week to check in and encourage each other. Next time, plan to report back on how your steps spurred your relationship with Jesus and each other. Press on, friends!
Group Prayer (Suggested time: 10 min)
Take a few moments to prepare a prayer request. What did the discussion cause you to notice about your own relationship with Jesus?
A significant part of “coming together” is being open and honest with our lives. Sitting in a group of people for prayer may be new or it may be familiar to you. Whether or not you choose to verbalize your prayer, everyone is a participant in sharing this time before God together.